Specializing in oil & gas service providers primarily focused on Oil & Gas consultants. Denver-based Hill Program Managers, a division of One80 Intermediaries, has extensive industry experience and offers market leading customer service.
The target classes and typical risks we focus on for this program are:
- Oil & Gas consultants
- Oil & Gas service providers
Restricted to a small percentage of total exposure for:
- Oil & Gas Transmission Pipeline
The highlighted features of this exclusive program include:
- Available throughout contiguous 48 states
- Primary Up to $2M limits of liability
- Excess Up to $5M limits of liability
- Underwriters at Lloyds, London A XV
- Offshore exposure acceptable
- Minimum premiums starting at:
Excess 1st million
The available coverages we have to offer for this program are:
- Commercial General Liability / Professional / Pollution Liability
- Excess Liability available (excluding auto liability)
- Independent Contractors as an insured while working for the insured
- Automatic Primary & Non-Contributory Endorsement
- Automatic Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement
- Automatic Additional Insured Endorsement
- Hired & Non-owned Auto Liability Endorsement
- CG 04 40 11 03 Stop Gap (North Dakota)
- CG 04 44 11 03 Stop Gap (Wyoming)
- CG 20 37 04 13 Automatic Additional Insured — Completed Ops
In order to submit your business with us, please be aware of the following submission requirements:
- Oil & Gas application
- Currently valued loss runs for the past five years