Insurance Business America rewards Noah Flood with 5-Star Insurance Technology Providers award.
BOSTON, MA — October 4, 2022 — On September 30th, Insurance Business America announced that One80 Intermediaries had been named winner of the 5-Star Insurance Technology Providers award. More specifically, One80 has been recognized for Noah Flood, its market leading online flood insurance platform! Click here to read the full list of winners.
To select the best insurance technology providers for 2022, IBA issued a call for nominations for the second annual 5-Star Insurance Technology Providers. Technology providers were asked to nominate their solution, explaining why it stands out against its competitors and what makes it the best in the market. IBA then reached out to brokers, asking them to vote for the insurance technology providers they dealt with. Noah Flood was the top-scoring technology and software provider and named 5-Star Award Winner!
5-Star Insurance Technology Providers 2022
Noah Flood, is a multi-carrier, private flood rater designed to streamline the quoting process. The proprietary platform integrates nine different flood carriers with various APIs to provide the most comprehensive solutions for flood insurance. Coverage is available in all states and list of products include: Private Flood, Excess Flood, Commercial Flood, Condominium Flood. The platform also links directly to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The solution has been deployed to both retail agents and networks across the country and to date the Noah Flood rater offers the most efficient way to receive flood insurance quotes from multiple carriers.
Insurance Business America is world’s leading independent insurance publisher, reaching over 500,000 insurance professionals daily in six markets. To select the best insurance technology providers for 2022, IBA reviewed leading insurance technology offerings and asked brokers to vote for the insurance technology providers with whom they dealt. Noah Flood was the top-scoring technology and software provider and named 5-Star Award Winner!