One80 Intermediaries Lenika Milne on Digital Marketing
As we began to conceptualize One80 Intermediaries one of the critical tenants that we determined to operate under was to challenge the status quo in terms of how we define ourselves
As we began to conceptualize One80 Intermediaries one of the critical tenants that we determined to operate under was to challenge the status quo in terms of how we define ourselves
At One80 Intermediaries our Flood Specialists are focused exclusively on the creation of Private Market Solutions for our personal and commercial clients.
Brad Keller, One80’s Property Practice Leader, discusses the transformation of the excess and surplus lines market and how One80’s specialized insurance solutions have become increasingly relevant.
MPG now provides access to our brokers to quote flood online! Effective immediately, appointed agents can log in through MPG’s website to access the Dual Flood Rater.
Select Insurance Markets (SIM) helps expand our personal lines program, along with Specialty Programs, and E&S for both Personal & Commercial Lines.