Since its formation in 2004, Assurex Global Construction Risks (AGCR) is a captive designed to provide participants with control over their insurance costs through their own risk management and safety programs. AGCR brings preferred construction contractor risks together into a shared alternative risk environment, providing the benefit of long-term cost savings of risk while protecting resources and, most importantly, profits for each individual insured.

AGCR is owned and controlled by its shareholders, who have the distinct advantage of being involved in important decisions that steer the direction of the captive, including the admission of new members.

AGCR is primarily distributed through brokers who are members of the Assurex Global Network. Founded in 1954, Assurex Global is an exclusive Partnership of the most prominent independent agents and brokers in the world.

Assurex Global Construction Risks (AGCR) Overview

The target members and typical risks we focus on for this program are:

Target Members

  • In business 10+ years
  • Solid financial performance
  • Good loss history
  • Privately held or closely held firms
  • Annual premium starting at $750K

Contractor Types*

  • General
  • Street and Road
  • Heavy Civil
  • Electrical
  • Steel Erection
  • Utility
  • Mechanical
*Additional classes may be eligible subject to individual underwriting.

Ineligible Risks

  • Residential Builders
  • Scaffolding
  • Waterproofing
  • Swimming Pool
  • Pile Driving
  • Sand & Gravel Trucking

The benefits of this program include:

Workers Compensation:

  • Statutory Limits

General Liability:

  • Each Occurrence: $2mm
  • Aggregate Limit: $4mm

Auto Liability:

  • Liability: $2mm CSL each accident

Auto Property Damage:

  • Actual Cash Value

Excess Liability:

  • Each Occurrence: $8mm
  • Aggregate Limit: $8mm

The highlighted features of this exclusive program include:

  • AGCR offers workers compensation, general liability, auto liability, auto physical damage, and excess liability coverage to its members.
  • AGCR issues guaranteed cost policies that are fully fronted by AM Best “A+ XV” rated carrier Arch Insurance Company.

The submission requirements features of this exclusive program include:

  • Minimum Premium: $750,000 combined all lines (Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, Auto Liability and Auto Physical Damage)

For more information on this captive please contact:

Brian A. Ricci, CPCU | Director of Market Relations
Innovative Risk Management, a subsidiary of One80 Intermediaries
p: 972-573-8956 | m: 214-733-2949


Bryson Hammer | Director of Captive Development
Innovative Risk Management, a subsidiary of One80 Intermediaries
p: 972-666-8730