2024 Brokers’ Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly become an integral part of our daily lives, deeply embedding itself in our professional activities. It’s now common to see a large number of companies utilizing AI tools through their vendors to operate more efficiently.

Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed the emergence and development of a significant variety of AI tools that have brought major changes to different areas of organizations. However, determining whether their impact is positive or negative remains premature, as many AI tools are still in their “early” stages and some may be unreliable. In fact, companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have encountered issues with certain AI products.

It is nearly impossible for any single company to completely grasp the long-term effects of implementing or not implementing AI tools into their business.

This situation highlights the gap between protecting the interests of companies and the external vendors working with AI. To address this issue, One80 Intermediaries, in partnership with Armilla AI, has launched the AI Warranty Coverage Program, a product that offers protection to both parties against losses related to unreliable AI models. This product is one of the first in the market to offer such coverage, a solution that perhaps has not yet been developed by other insurance companies.

The integration of AI tools into work-related tasks and the warranty coverage for companies and external vendors is a topic that can be easily understood when explained in a detailed and straightforward manner. To assist with this, we have created a Handbook that will be very useful in understanding the risks associated with this subject.

We invite you to download our Brokers’ Guide to Artificial Intelligence by clicking on the following button:

If you would like more information about this warranty coverage, please contact:

Jonathan Legge
Senior Managing Director
Private Equity and Transactional Liability
e: jlegge@one80.com
p: 203.315.3499 (ext. 5908)
