One80 Intermediaries Acquires The Marcus Insurance Agency, Inc.
The Marcus Insurance Agency, Inc. expand One80’s offerings to include highly specialized life insurance for impaired risk customers, disability, annuities and long-term care products.
The Marcus Insurance Agency, Inc. expand One80’s offerings to include highly specialized life insurance for impaired risk customers, disability, annuities and long-term care products.
One80 is here to be your go-to wholesale and MGA market for all lines of coverage. In fact we have recently expanded our access to new, industry leading Auto Liability markets! Read all about our recent wins.
One80 is pleased to announce our Admitted BOP and Workers’ Compensation Coverage is now available for small commercial businesses in low to medium hazard groups.
One80 Intermediaries is pleased to announce the nationwide availability of our Truckers Occupational Accident, Truckers Texas Non-Subscriber, and Workers’ Compensation coverages. These programs are designed to provide owner-operators, independent contractors, and employee drivers with essential benefits to recover and return to work. Our offerings include flexible benefit structures, various reporting and payment options, and comprehensive packages that combine multiple coverages to meet the diverse needs of the transportation industry.
In this month’s newsletter we are pleased to highlight One80’s Medical Stop Loss Practice. We are a full service Managing General Underwriter of Medical Stop Loss Insurance. Learn about One80’s Medical Stop Loss Practice!