One80’s Legge: perfect timing for new PE and transactional liability practice
In his role, Mr. Legge will support One80’s retail trading partners in protecting insureds from exposures associated with mergers and acquisitions. Solutions will be designed to help buyers and sellers quantify and mitigate risks, increase deal value, maximize financial returns, and bridge gaps in transaction structures. Areas of expertise will include representations and warranties, tax insurance, and contingent liability.
Professional Liability – Importance of Screening and Credentialing
Due to the rising need for in-home care and services, new home health care models are being adopted, posing additional challenges related to employee screening. In addition, some states have home health care governance and management regulations over the hiring of direct care workers, including requirements for criminal background checks, child abuse clearance, licensing and training, and health screening.
One80 Intermediaries Enters Private Equity And Transactional Liability Space With Appointment Of Jonathan Legge
BOSTON, MA — July 24, 2023 — One80 Intermediaries (One80), a specialty insurance broker headquartered in Boston, today announced that it has appointed Mr. Jonathan Legge as Senior Managing Director, Transactional Liability
In his role, Mr. Legge will support One80’s retail trading partners in protecting insureds from exposures associated with mergers and acquisitions. Solutions will be designed to help buyers and sellers quantify and mitigate risks, increase deal value, maximize financial returns, and bridge gaps in transaction structures. Areas of expertise will include representations and warranties, tax insurance, and contingent liability.
How The Joint Commission Supports the Home Health Care Industry
One of the leading accrediting bodies in the United States for health care organizations, The Joint Commission is an independent nonprofit organization that establishes and evaluates performance standards and accreditation criteria for home health care agencies. Here’s how The Joint Commission benefits the home health care industry: