Save your clients thousands in property premium
One80’s Parking Garage Program is unique as it reallocates the total insured value of the garage structure away from the main building. A separate policy is then crafted to cover the parking structure, maximizing savings on your primary property premium! We have seen an 80% hit ratio with this program and saved insureds up to $400,000 on their property policies.
The target classes and typical risks we focus on for this program are:
- Municipal Parking Garages
- Hospitals
- Condo Associations
- Apartment Complexes
- Office Towers Hotels
- Theaters
- Universities
- Hotels
- Auto Dealerships
The highlighted features of this exclusive program include:
- Coverage on admitted basis
- Program available nationwide
- No minimum premium
- No age restriction
- No distance limitation for wind and hail coverage
- 1,000,000 flood sublimit is included and available in all zones and locations
The available coverages we have to offer for this program are:
- Property
- Flood
- Wind and Hail
- Equipment Breakdown
- Increased Cost of Construction
- Optional Pollution Coverage
In order to submit your business with us, please be aware of the following submission requirements:
- Commercial property acord application
- 3-5 years of loss runs
- Flood zone/elevation
- Statement of values