Our team of experts have been creating innovative and customized Reinsurance solutions since 1979 for a wide range of clients from group pools to single self-insured risks to RRGs.
We design programs that are tailored to the clients needs to provide an array of reinsurance objectives including limiting liability and catastrophe protection to stabilization of operating results and increased capacity. We work with the client to analyze their coverage needs and identify exposures to then develop a customized reinsurance structure.
The target classes and typical risks we focus on for this program are:
- Extensive placements in all lines of coverage for self-insured pools and single self-insured risks
- Excess Property/Casualty
- Workers’ Compensation Reinsurance
- Primary Public Officials’ Errors and Omissions
The highlighted features of this exclusive program include:
- Negotiate the best coverage, terms, and rates on your behalf
- Provide well written treaty wordings supporting reinsurance placements
- Design programs that are tailored to the clients needs to meet an array of reinsurance objectives
- Analyze coverage needs and identify exposures to then develop a customized reinsurance structure
The available services we have to offer for this program are:
- Analyze coverage needs & identify exposures
- Analyze loss history
- Develop/recommend customized reinsurance structures
- Negotiate terms and conditions of reinsurance contracts
- Provide administration of reinsurance agreements