One80 is proud to offer this highly specialized program for commercial transportation clients crossing the border between the USA and Mexico. It’s designed to protect your drivers and transport business from the growing risk of hijack, kidnap, malicious detention and extortion they might encounter.
The target classes and typical risks we focus on for this program are:
- Small Fleets
- Large Trucking Fleets
- New Ventures
- Long Haul Trucking
- Intermodal Freight Transport
- Flatbed
- Auto Haulers
The highlighted features of this exclusive program include:
- Online training provided for operation and employees on how to avoid being a target
- Access to crisis management consultancy
- Immediate help and advice available 24/7
- On the ground support by highly specialized crisis consultant – if needed
The available coverages we have to offer for this program are:
- Reimbursement of ransom costs as well as employee’s salary, travel, accommodation and medical cost including psychiatric care
- Public Relations Support
- Post incident analysis and debriefing
In order to submit your business with us, please be aware of the following submission requirements:
- Vehicle and driver schedules
- 3-5 years of loss runs
- Motor vehicle reports