Profile photo for Dave Corieri

Dave Corieri

Dave Corieri │ Public Entity Practice Leader


Dave Corieri is One80’s Public Entity Practice Leader. In this role, Dave is responsible for the innovation, development, implementation and servicing of all Public Entity related products and services. He also manages key broker and carrier relationships in partnership with his team.

Before joining One80, Dave founded Corieri & Associates, a New York based program administrator focused on public entities and municipal placements. The company was founded in 1987 and its offerings include General Liability, Pollution, Employment Practices Liability, Law, Public Officials Liability, Excess, Cyber, Auto, Property, Inland Marine & Crime. Corieri & Associates was purchased by One80 Intermediaries in 2021.

Prior to this, Dave served as a National Accounts Broker at Johnson & Higgins, and began his insurance career as an underwriter at Royal Globe and Crum and Forester Insurance Companies. He is also an Adjunct Professor at The College of Insurance, Risk Management and earned his BBA and MBA from The College of Insurance.